What are Missional Communities?
A missional community is a family of servant missionaries sent as disciples who make disciples. - Jeff Vanderstelt
Every Missional Community identifies a group of people whom they believe God is sending them to love, serve, and share Jesus with. We want to see every aspect of our communities blessed by God's people: businesses, arts, education, government, sports, recreation, and social services.
It is our goal as a church family to be disciples who make disciples in the everyday things of life.
"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
Habakkuk 2:14
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On Mission Together
Pilot Group Information
The Pilot Group experience will begin October 1st. We will be creating space for people to get connected, learn each other's stories, hear basic, gospel-centered teaching, and process and practice Missional Community life together guided by trusted leaders in our church. It also provides an opportunity for people's gifts to be observed and formed.
We will be providing free, safe childcare, dinner, and a Missional Community Field Guide to help you along the journey!
When can I join a Missional Community?
Fill out the form below to join the Missional Community Pilot experience!
Who are Missional Communities for?
Every follower of Jesus is meant to play a part in equipping and encouraging others. Everyone has a seat at the table.
Where do Missional Communities meet?
MC’s meet throughout the week, living life together on mission.The mission is the same for every follower of Jesus - be disciples who make disciples, but the application looks different for each MC. For some it could be a school, a park, a local business, and for others it could be a specific people group that God has called them to love and serve